Monday, April 11, 2011

Spring has Sprung

Spring has officially sprung in our backyard. Only a mere few weeks ago, the trees were still bare in the orchard and the hedges were only just starting to fill in with their leafy covering. It is absolutely beautiful to see the gorgeous apple and cherry trees in full bloom, and minuscule purple and yellow flowers covering the ground. We have been enjoying some of the most gorgeous spring weather this past week with blue skies, plenty of sunshine and temperatures in the mid 60-s and low 70s. Unfortunately, our weather is about to take a turn, so I wanted to capture this perfect day with some pictures of the backyard. Of course a camera does not do justice to the real thing, but here's a glimpse of a beautiful April day in the Netherlands.

Apple and cherry trees in bloom

The large cherry tree in the back is just ending its blooming period and the two walnut trees are the last to grow its leaves. Pretty soon, our wall of green will be completely filled in and we won't be able to see a bit of the brick building behind us.

Jon has spent the past couple weeks on his hands and knees scrubbin' the deck to rid the weeds and moss that grew between the tiles. It was hard meticulous work, but it looks so much better and was finished just in time to kick-off the start of outdoor BBQ season. On Sunday, we enjoyed having friends over for a post-race BBQ at the house. It was the perfect celebration of our first annual participation in the Sittard Mooiste (beautiful) 15k run. 

Nothing like fresh spring flowers to decorate the house and a branch from an apple tree to hang Easter eggs from.

1 comment:

Amanda Catlin said...

The house and yard look just beautiful!!!