Now if that wacky amalgam of languages hasn't thrown you off, this is the undisputed recount of West meets East. If you don't like it-we'll fight you. The Jim and April Vaughn- live in Munich, Germany, alive in our hemisphere for one day and night only!
Jim and April were in Munich working a great scam I can't do justice describing here. Really, they own Whalebone Surfshops on the East Coast and Germans went nuts to have them represent American businesses for this expo.
Jim descends and we lite out for a little (revionist) history and some German brand wackiness!
Munich is all about walking and we hit the major sites, St. Michaels Church, the Glockenspeil, St. Peters, some good luck statues and the mandatory Hoffbrauhaus!
We dined on fine delicacies like Schweinbraten, pretzels and of course-beer; dunkel(dark), original(original) and weiss(refined clear wheat beer).
My cuz April and I, "are cut from the same bolt of cloth," says the wise, David Clough, aka: pop. It was here that I realized why we can party longer, stronger and way more badass than our friends. Essentially stated, "Its' the Spear in us!" Said April.
Right on, personally I've always contended that we were from Krypton/had rad superhuman party powers but this succintly stated geneological fact says BOOYAHH! Its science...
A great convergence it was, saw where WW2 jerks get their start, saw where beer in its modern form is best in the universe-Munich, a study in contrasts.
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