Maria and I have many things in common, and a main pastime we share is our love for "running." We had many chats around the bear trail when she was at Baylor, and it was fun to be able to run on her turf in Sweden together on Friday morning. Afterwards, we headed to a restaurant to meet Richard (the other student at Baylor the same semester as Maria) for lunch. It was so fun to have the three of us together again and immediately we started reminiscing and telling stories of the "good 'ole days."
Maria and Jakob did a fantastic job preparing all the food and it was so cool to meet a lot of their friends and of course see the other Baylor kids there as well (Staffan, Peter and Richard).
On Sunday morning, it was time for me to leave my wonderful Stockholm friends and head to Jonkoping in south-central Sweden to visit the most recent former exchange students, Malin and Kristoffer. After a tearful good-bye with Maria, I jetted off to the bus station. It's amazing how you can make such a connection with someone after only a few months together, and two years later, you realize how much you still care about that person. She is a true friend! I can't wait to have her, Richard, Peter, and Staffan all come visit me. They are the best!